Home / Blog / GRIM REAPER Founder NICK BOWCOTT Collaborates With TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS On New Version Of 'See You In Hell'

GRIM REAPER Founder NICK BOWCOTT Collaborates With TIM 'RIPPER' OWENS On New Version Of 'See You In Hell'

Jul 17, 2023Jul 17, 2023

One of the finest-ever British metal vocalists, GRIM REAPER frontman Steve Grimmett, tragically passed away on August 15, 2022. He was 62 years young. To celebrate Steve's life, a group of his friends got together and recorded a new version of "See You In Hell". The players are renowned YouTuber Steve Stine (who also made the GRIMSTINE album with Grimmett) on guitar; Brian Hollenbeck (HAIRBALL) on bass; Joel Stevenett (a top session player) on drums; GRIM REAPER founder, riff writer and guitarist Nick Bowcott on guitar; and Tim "Ripper" Owens (JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH, KK'S PRIEST) on vocals. It also features Steve's son and daughter, Russ and Sami Grimmett, on backing vocals.

"This no-brainer idea was hatched by Steve Stine and myself shortly after our mutual friends tragic passing," recalls Bowcott. "It was the obvious tribute to Steve Grimmett's incredible voice and legacy. Recruiting Brian and Joel as the rhythm section was also a no-brainer; not only are they great players, they'd also already played with the us on several 'Quarantine Jams' with Steve Grimmett singing — including a cover of 'Heaven And Hell' which has earned over 680,000 views on Facebook thus far. As far as vocals? Tim was my first and only call. Not only was he a good friend of Mr. Grimmett's (they did a THREE TREMORS tour together),he also possesses the same incredible levels of power, tone and vocal range that Steve had. In fact, the first time I played with Tim reminded me of the first time I jammed with Steve G — I was so blown away with what I heard that I nearly stopped playing! Thankfully, Ripper was only too happy to do it and boy did he deliver…. the goods (sorry, couldn't resist!)."

Nick continued: "We all recorded and filmed our part remotely in different parts of America and then a rough mix was sent over to England for Sami and Russ to record their backing vocals. Then, after Steve Stine mixed it, we spent a long time gathering up photos of Steve G that would make up the bulk of the celebration/tribute video. Having done that, the whole thing was expertly edited together by Ryan Sanders. We then decided to sit on it and unleash it on the first anniversary of our dear friend's passing, as both a celebration and a tribute.

"When Steve and myself co-wrote 'See You In Hell' over 40 years ago, we had no idea that it would change our lives to the extent it did. We also couldn't have imagined in even our wildest dreams that it would still resonate with so many people over four decades later. I sincerely hope that this heartfelt effort does Steve's legacy justice as he was not only a great singer — he also happened to be a wonderful father, son, and husband. He was a great friend to many too: in fact, he was one of the kindest, gentlest, and modest men I've ever been fortunate enough to meet. And, as an added bonus, he was funny too!

"Rest in peace, Steve, my friend…and thank you. Your memory, music and mirth will always live on."

Steve's passing came five years after he had his right leg partially amputated when an infected wound on his foot spread to the bones in his leg partway through his South American tour.

Grimmett's life-saving surgery in 2017 was carried out in Ecuador and the frontman was in hospital for just over a month while fans raised $14,000 to bring him home after his insurance company refused to pay because of the type of work he was doing.

GRIM REAPER's story began in 1979 after successfully fighting off hundreds of bands in a local Battle Of The Bands competition. This win, combined with an already sizeable following, aroused the interest of Ebony Records. Signing with the small U.K. label, GRIM REAPER released three albums in rapid succession to international acclaim. Due to legal turmoil with Ebony, GRIM REAPER would disband in 1988. Grimmett would go on to record with ONSLAUGHT, LIONSHEART and more recently THE SANITY DAYS. His renowed vocal range remains one of metal's most identifiable with loyal fans turning out in numbers to hear him perform.

GRIM REAPER was part of the "Hell On Wheels" tour which crossed the States in 1987, alongside ARMORED SAINT and HELLOWEEN.

Grimmett reformed GRIM REAPER in 2006 as STEVE GRIMMETT'S GRIM REAPER following an amicable decision between the singer and Bowcott, who both agreed that using the original name minus the other members of the classic lineup wouldn't be a proper reunion.

STEVE GRIMMETT'S GRIM REAPER released two studio albums, 2016's "Walking In The Shadows" and 2019's "At The Gates".

Since 2006, STEVE GRIMMETT'S GRIM REAPER had made a number of European festival appearances and toured all around the world.

Early last year, Steve told VWMusic that he had "no regrets whatsoever" about how his career panned out. "I should by rights be a millionaire, but I haven't got a penny to my name," he revealed. "I'm on welfare at the moment because of COVID, and a lot of people do think that I am a millionaire, but I can tell you now, I'm not. I've never received a penny — not one penny — from GRIM REAPER, so that says it all, doesn't it? But still, no regrets. I still love getting up there and playing. I still love watching the smiling faces in front of me. That says it all and does it all for me."

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